In an ever-more complex and uncertain world, yesterday’s business models are no longer fit for purpose. Leading companies know they must find new ways to create value for themselves and society – but charting a path to success is not easy. The Future-Fit Business Benchmark can guide you on the journey.
Make your company fit for the future.
Why Future-Fit?
The Future-Fit Business Benchmark helps companies align their success with that of society.
A systems intelligence tool
Drawing on systems science and leading third-party resources, the Benchmark makes sense of social and environmental pressures, equipping leaders to identify and respond effectively to systemic risks and opportunities.
Shaped by experts and peers
An Expert Council of academic and business specialists contribute to our work, and we have partnered with a wide range of companies and investors to ensure the methodology is both useful and usable.
Aligned with the SDGs
In 2015 the United Nations launched a shared vision for humanity in the shape of the Sustainable Development Goals. The Benchmark helps any organisation ensure its SDG response is both credible and effective.
Case Study
As the first listed company to publish an Integrated Report based on the Future-Fit Business Benchmark, thl shares its roadmap for success.
Case Study
As the first global company to complete a Future-Fit self-assessment and have the results independently assured, Novo Nordisk shares valuable advice on how to get started.
Case Study
The Body Shop is working to safeguard biodiversity by creating corridors that enable endangered species to reconnect.
What They Say...
Some of the world's leading companies are already using the Benchmark to build a better business...
The Body Shop was a pioneer of the responsible business agenda 40 years ago, thanks to the vision of our founder Anita Roddick. But the demands that we as a society are now placing on the Earth have reached unprecedented levels, and science tells us that all companies need to do more. But how much more? The Future-Fit Business Benchmark has given us the answer, in the form of a clear, science-based destination to aim for: a North Star by which to guide our journey to true sustainability.
Get started today
Are you ready to learn more?
Understand the Basics
Systems science tells us how to create a just and regenerative future. The Benchmark helps any company play its part in getting us there.
Watch the Crash Course
Watch the Future-Fit Crash Course to learn everything you need to know about the Future-Fit approach, why it matters, and how to start using the Benchmark.
Find an Accredited Advisor
The journey to future-fitness may not be easy, but our Accredited Advisors offer a range of services and solutions to support you.