News | 1st September 2021

Hear from the Future-Fit partners changing the world

By Future-Fit

Throughout September we’re hosting four webinars with our partners who are taking transformative action to build the future we need.

We want as many people as possible to be inspired by their stories. That’s why we’re making these webinars free and open to all – sign up below, and help us spread the word by sharing this post with a friend.

Supporting SMEs: Virgin Money and the Future-Fit Business Benchmark

Virgin Money is catalyzing change beyond its own four walls. This UK bank is helping SMEs improve their environmental and social impacts with the help of a Q&A-based online tool and innovative sustainability-linked loans. Join our webinar on 2 September to find out more.

Register here

Measuring and communicating positive impact using the Future-Fit Business Benchmark

How can positive impact, including SDG contributions, be understood, measured and articulated? Join us on 9 September when we’ll hear from UK charity and funder Shell Foundation, and clean-tech company Aceleron, to explore how the Future-Fit Business Benchmark – and in particular the Positive Pursuits – can help.

Register here

Strategy development & target setting with TAS

TAS is an unconventional real estate impact company that promotes connected neighbourhoods and caring, committed communities. Join our webinar on 23 September to learn more about TAS’s approach to strategy and target setting and how the organisation is using Future-Fit’s methodology.

Register here


Future-Fit is the developer, promoter and steward of the Future-Fit methodology.