Case Study | Insure.Hub

Disruptive innovation toward deep sustainability and regeneration

Established by the Portuguese Catholic University (Biotech and Business schools) and Planetiers New Generation, INSURE.Hub oversees an ecosystem of entities that unites (inter)national partners.

Its goal is to promote a distinctive amalgamation of advanced education, business evolution, and disruptive innovation, all directed towards deep sustainability and regeneration.

The overarching ambition is to propel Portugal to the forefront of the EU Green Deal by integrating systems thinking and science-based knowledge into all developed and disseminated initiatives. With almost 70 (inter)national partners, referred to as club members, as of the end of 2023, INSURE.Hub is dedicated to instilling sustainability and regeneration principles in top management.

The organization also aims to expand its ecosystem internationally, particularly through academic networks and sustainability-related events.

INSURE.Hub, based in Porto, Portugal, is making extensive use of Future-Fit Business as a core framework on how businesses should navigate towards ‘cause no harm’ as the minimum state. 70 entities as part of an ecosystem representing over 500 businesses are club members. Food systems (Water, Beer) and social housing cos. are the sectors of the first Portuguese pioneers to learn how to engage their top management with such systems thinking knowledge. In addition, Future-Fit is at the core of our university courses with Catholic University in Porto – a post-graduation and an executive program on sustainable and regenerative business.

Antonio Vasconcelos, Co-Leader Planetiers New Generation and INSURE.Hub.

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