Location: London, United Kingdom
Contact: Email +44 (0) 333 222 4043

PLS Lighting

PLS delivers environmentally friendly, energy efficient lighting systems into buildings for customers in the public and private sectors. Our long-term success is directly tied with the economic and extra-economic benefits we help achieve; we apply data science to generate evidence-based outcomes. We see it as our duty to manage our own business in ways that eliminate potential negative impacts associated with what we buy, what we sell, what we do and how we behave.

In pursuit of becoming a Future-Fit Business, we make the following commitments:

  1. Shorten our supply chain and minimise packaging;
  2. Become smarter separating out waste for recycling; and
  3. Encourage customers at the grass roots level to embrace the need for energy-saving measures to satisfy demands from Society, Boards, Investors and Regulators.

We wish to leave a positive impact wherever we can, to speed up society’s transition to future-fitness through our own actions and by assisting others on the journey. We acknowledge that business as usual is no longer enough and support the UK’s ‘Build Back Better’ campaign.