News | 24th May 2024

May ’24 Newsletter

By Alisa Smirnova

In our previous newsletter, we highlighted Martin Rich’s forthcoming tour across Australia and New Zealand in April. During his travels he engaged with numerous partners, delivered presentations at diverse events to over 500 people, and connected with many new friends across the Future-Fit community. Selected highlights below!


The first few day of the trip revolved around the “Navigating Tomorrow: Towards Global Sustainability Frameworks” seminar organised by the wonderful Erin Burge (pictured above) at Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council in Perth. The event was a great success, reaching a wide range of stakeholders and cementing the presence of the Future-Fit community on the west coast. It also included a highly memorable indigenous welcome complete with didgeridoo!

The week ended in Sydney visiting lots of Future-Fit friends (while ducking the torrential downpours!) including BWD Strategic and Brownee to see their new tool incorporating the Business Benchmark (

New Zealand

The following two weeks were a blur of meetings, presentations, seminars and workshops  from Auckland in the North Island, through Wellington, Blenheim and Lincoln to Christchurch in the South Island. Huge thanks to Roger Robson-Williams and the team at NZ Plant and Food Research for coordinating it all.

The trip finished on an absolute high at the “Sustainable Business: Towards a thriving future” seminar hosted by Christchurch NZ and attended by around 100 people. A beautifully produced video of the event can be watched here.

Another undoubted highlight was the engagement with representatives of the Māori community to understand their perspectives and how we might incorporate indigenous wisdom into an Aotearoa New Zealand ‘version’ (Martin prefers ‘flavour’) of the Benchmark. If we can get this ‘recipe’ right, it’s an approach we’ll look to replicate elsewhere.

It was an incredibly inspiring trip and we hope to replicate it in other regions in due course. Thank you so much to everyone who participated!


B for Good Leaders Summit

Martin will be in Amsterdam on the 23rd and 24th May at the B for Good Leaders summit as part of the Regenerative Economy stream. If you are going to be there, please reach out to Martin Rich.

Alisa Smirnova