Location: York, United Kingdom
Contact: Email + 44 (0) 1904 627810

Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) is a Quaker trust which supports people who address the root causes of conflict and injustice.

JRCT is a responsive grant-making trust focusing on six priority areas, of which two are directly applicable to Future-Fit’s work:

  • ‘Power and Accountability’ seeks to create a world in which power is more equally shared, and in which powerful institutions are responsive and accountable to wider society and aligned with the long-term public interest.
  • ‘Sustainable Future’ focuses on developing and promoting sustainable, low-carbon alternatives to the current consumerist and growth-based paradigm.

JRCT understands the ability of the Future-Fit Business Benchmark to help address both of these issues at source, and therefore partnered with us from 2018 to 2021 through a £150,000 ‘cross-cutting’ core grant to help increase global adoption of the Benchmark.