
Sustainability Directory

In a world grappling with urgent environmental and social challenges, the need for sustainable solutions has never been more pressing. Sustainability Directory emerges as a beacon of clarity and guidance, empowering businesses and individuals to navigate the complexities of sustainable transformation.


We envision a future where every business, regardless of its size or industry, operates in harmony with the planet and society. We believe that achieving this vision requires a paradigm shift, one driven by accessible knowledge, actionable strategies, and a vibrant community of changemakers.


Sustainability Directory is dedicated to accelerating this paradigm shift. We’re more than just an information hub; we’re a catalyst for change. Our mission is to empower businesses and individuals with the knowledge, tools, and connections they need to drive meaningful sustainability transformations. We strive to:

  • Democratize knowledge: We make complex sustainability concepts accessible and understandable for everyone, breaking down barriers to informed action.
  • Foster innovation: We provide a platform where ideas flourish, solutions are developed, and progress is accelerated.
  • Measure what matters: We help you track and amplify the real-world impact of your sustainability initiatives.


Our platform is built on the combined expertise of our founders, Lorne Michael Cousins and Porter Zale. Lorne brings over 25 years of experience in sustainability consulting, corporate leadership, and capacity building in China and beyond. Porter’s background in branding, design, and online strategy ensures that our platform is not only informative but also engaging and user-friendly.


At Sustainability Directory, you’ll find a wealth of curated resources designed to meet the needs of both businesses and individuals. Our corporate knowledge hub offers cutting-edge strategies, frameworks, and case studies to help companies align profit with purpose. For individuals, our essentials knowledge section covers fundamental principles and actionable strategies for sustainable living.


We believe that collaboration is key to driving lasting change. Our platform fosters a vibrant community of sustainability experts, practitioners, and enthusiasts. We invite you to join our expert contributor program and share your insights with a global audience.