Catherine is a Principal Consultant with Acre, the CR/Sustainability and Responsible Investment Search firm, working with private sector businesses to help find and place senior practitioners looking to make a positive and measurable impact in the context of social, environmental and governance issues.
Catherine has a particular interest in Board diversity and recently published a paper entitled The Social Board which provides an ideas menu to business on how to effectively engage board members social and environmental matters. Previously, Catherine worked with Global Action Plan (GAP), a leading environmental behaviour change charity. Prior to her time at GAP, she was a fundraiser for Epic Arts, a disability arts charity – and she was also a Senior Researcher at Macaulay Search; a boutique executive search firm where she worked within the charity and public sector.
Catherine completed a Masters in 2001 at SOAS/Kings College London in Sustainable Tourism, Development and the Environment. She then went on to publish a paper with Xavier Font exploring social standards within the tourism certification industry; and has been applying her passion for responsible business practice ever since.